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Friday, February 10, 2012

Pimping out My Friend Jenna Maclaine

Hi guys!

A while back, my friend mailed me a few books she thought were just awesome. I put them on my nightstand (which most of you know is my to-be-read pile) and I didn't really think about the books again for a while. Then I was rearranging the books (i.e. playing Tetris with the books trying to make them fit!) and I saw the 3 books. I paged through the first one and was instantly hooked. I read through all three within the week, and loved them so much I emailed the author to let her know how much I loved her series. I then bought the series, since I had to return my bestie's books.

This series is the Cin Craven series by Jenna Maclaine, and it is to date one of my favorites.

Jenna is so fun and easy to talk to, that I stalked found her on facebook and twitter and she will never be able to get rid of me, NEVER! muahahaha! er, I mean, and I am now a lifelong fan ;)

But the thing that drove me nuts is that she also has several (4 I believe)novellas written, but they are all in anthologies. The 2 from the Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance, and the Mammoth Book of Irish Romance are now available outside of the anthologies. Today my life is complete! Jenna posted those 2 novellas on Smashwords! Woohoo! So here I am, telling you that you should check out the Cin Craven series, and if you don't want to buy the big anthologies, you don't have to! Hooray!

Here are the full-length novels in the Cin Craven series-you won't be sorry, they are awesome! (And Michael's a Scottish vampire who wields a claymore! Can't go wrong there!)

Wages of Sin (Cin Craven, #1)Wages of Sin by Jenna Maclaine

Grave Sins (Cin Craven, #2)Grave Sins by Jenna Maclaine

Bound By Sin (Cin Craven, #3)Bound By Sin by Jenna Maclaine


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